Sunday, August 7, 2011

Apocalyptic Sunday

Well there's nothing like a Sunday at 6:00 A.M. to give one that apocalyptic feeling.
No sound on the street, just the occasional cat which survived of course. Each one
looking warily at you.
The cars are all parked with the fresh dew of the day on them. Although the odd one
is running. Which happens to be a cop car,you can always count on that, so you pull your cap down a bit, and avoid eye contact.
Fortunately, the twin bastions of modern society are alive and well. The coffee shop where primal needs are met.And the variety store where you can check last nights Lottery tickets, and then buy smokes to console yourself.
The conglomerates own and run these with the displaced of society, so the workforce is
Inside the coffee shop the regulars are there, each in their chosen spot.
Of course drinking coffee is secondary to all else. The news of the day past is being read,
or some literary masterpiece is being created by all the endless gibberish written down.
I stay just my alloted time, so as not to affect the balance of nature.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Review:No he can't by Kevin McCullough

More than just a play on words. This book clearly,thoughtfully and provocatively challenges the public's perception of Barack Obama.
This book is a must read for anyone considering giving him a second term.
If what is written is true, then the public voted for a person with a carefully crafted image, who promised yet did not deliver. Instead his actions have been self serving, much to the detriment of America's recovery.
Barack Obama has assumed a paternalistic attitude,rather than taking,let alone seeking the
counsel of others.
Israel,Iran,Iraq and Afghanistan have also been the recipients of his ignorance.
The author states"in not vetting the man who would be our President more carefully, we failed ourselves".
This election, the public will have no such excuse.
Thanks to the good folks at Thomas Nelson for providing this book free of charge, for review.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Two Blogs

Discovered I had another one entitled: Take Job(The bible dude) and Shove it (from 1996). Unfortunately it too has seen few entries (even less than this one!).
My apologies to my one follower. Perhaps I wasn't cut out to be a blogger afterall.
Speaking of cut, I realise why one would choose to "cut" themselves. (No I do not advocate doing so). I believe it to be their way of self expression. They are so lost in themselves and can't verbalize what they are feeling, so they slice themselves. It releases a part of them in the form of
blood. Kind of extreme, but it gets the message out.
What a sad commentary on society when people are reduced into doing so.
Thank God for those around you that love you, support you and encourage you.
One may never know how much they are blessed until they read this.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Self Righteous Christians

Your Money God's Way by Amie Streater

This book is a good example of why some people are turned off by Christians and Christianity.
One does not begin a book by being self righteous and judgmental, despite a claim to the contrary. Unfortunately the words that follow afterwards are tainted by her previous remarks.
As such whatever truth may follow is lost, along with the author's credibility.
Thanks to the good folks at Thomas Nelson for providing the book free of charge for review.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Walking and Scoliosis

Now into week three of not being able to walk properly. It is so discouraging.
I am now wondering if this is just a natural progression of the scoliosis, or is it something else.
Researching scoliosis and walking,is a dog's breakfast. Like any search, all sorts of unrelated material is shown.
I do not want to lose my ability to walk for good. I can't imagine a life like that. But what if?

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Ahead or behind?

Why is it that you feel better, you think you finally have the problem licked, and so
you decide to move onward, only to find out you're not.
Now you are in pain again, and so nothing has been accomplished, instead it is false hope rearing its ugly head.
I complain, yet for a few hours I had no pain. For that I should give thanks.
I'm at Day 10 now, and I'm discouraged. I don't want to read how suffering builds character,blah,blah,blah. I want nothing to do with suffering, and yet suffering is a part of life itself.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Pain Pal

Not Pen Pal is back.
All day from waking up till now,pretty much in pain.
It has moved somewhat so that could be a good thing,or not.
I have been told that I had this before and the Dr. said it had to run its course.
I'm hoping it is not the same as the pain is incredible, and my tolerance level is not.
I don't usually watch a lot of TV but with this latest pain episode(get it!-episode!)
I've had endless,mindless,yet glorious hours of Sunday football-Season Opening day!
Too bad the Bills sucked.
Oh well two hours and then I can declare I may as well go to bed. Thankfully I can sleep despite the pain. I sure hope it continues to be that way.